Tuesday, August 10, 2010

FDA Now Saying BP's (NYSE:BP) Corexit Use Safe

The FDA has raised such a public outcry to BP's (NYSE:BP) use of the chemical Corexit. Now they've changed their tune saying there's very little contamination from the massive use of the dispersant. Something seems a little "fishy" here.

The FDA says that they have determined that Corexit has a low potential for bioconcentration in seafood species. "Although seafood is exposed to the dispersant, the inherent properties of the dispersants minimize the possibility of their being present in food. There is no information at this time to indicate that they pose a public health threat from exposure through the consumption of seafood," said Ed Markey who sits on the House Energy and Environment subcommittee.

The United States Food and Drug administration is also jumping on board saying the dispersants should not show up in seafood and effect humans. It seems hard to believe that with close to 2 million gallons of the toxic dispersant Corexit deposited into our oceans, that everybody is now taking a passive stance on the issue.

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