Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Where is June Gold Going?

After a couple of months of gains, the turbulent economic conditions around the world have had gold have a lot of ups and downs, although the underlying fundamentals remain the same.

An element in regard to gold investing we need to keep in mind is the same one in any market where traders and speculators enter, and that is their involvement push price swings even further than they'd normally go, and gives the impression of uncertainty and strong movement one way or the other.

We'll see that going forward until uncertainty in the markets and economic conditions around the word abate, which isn't going to be any time soon.

The fundamentals of gold are simple: inflation protection, safety and your wealth holding its value. Nothing there is going to change, and the sovereign debt crisis hanging over Europe, and China battling inflation will continue to move the price of gold upward, although now that there is a lot of volatility there, speculators will make those price movement even more pronounced, while those that don't understand that background could think it's because of something they're missing, when it's just because of the current market and economic creating the type of volatility that speculators love to enter into.

Gold prices should experience a lot of these swings in June and beyond, and unless something on the macro economic level changes in a significant way, Gold prices will continue to go upward, although more erratically that than in the past.

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