Wednesday, May 26, 2010

BP: (NYSE:BP) No To Live Video Feed of "Top Kill"

Apparently, BP (NYSE:BP) has changed their mind. Originally, BP was among much hesitation , going to allow the live oil spill video to run uninterrupted throughout their "top kill" attempt. They're now saying no, and have already cut the oil spill video as of early this morning. This is leading many to wonder why BP wants to shut out the millions of people that their oil leak has, is, and will continue to effect for generations.

BP ensures it will report on the progress and on the outcome once complete. Part of the reasoning for this secrecy is to help shield the public from making rash decisions on what they may assume by what they see. Especially when it comes to stocks, this would not be adequate information.

If BP is successful, Gordan Gray from Collin Stewart analyst gives his opinion on the effect this would have on BP's shares. He says we would see an initial incline in the shares around mid 500's p/sh level after their 14 percent under preformance of the global sector. Any further recovery can be expected to take much longer though. A short term rise would be a good opportunity to switch from BP to Royal Dutch Shell which is seen as having a good valuation upside, a strong free cash flow turnaround, and a much stronger outlook for dividends.

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