Thursday, August 19, 2010

After BP (NYSE:BP) Oil Spill Almost 50 Percent of Americans Want Offshore Drilling to Continue

A recent AP poll shows almost 50 percent of Americans want drilling to continue on its coastal waters, with only 36 percent opposing it. The other 26 percent didn't even have an opinion on the matter.

When you think of the hype and fear-mongering espoused by the mainstream media, it's incredible that 64 percent of Americans think it's either a good idea to drill for oil off our coasts, or don't care one way or the other.

The actual percentage supporting offshore drilling was 48 percent.

I wouldn't doubt if a poll two or three weeks from now, after the permanent sealing of the oil well, show those numbers increasing by as high as 10 percent more.

While some progressives mocked the "Drill, Baby Drill" mantra of some people during the oil spill, that's essentially what Americans are telling its leaders and businesses it wants to see.

The strength of that conviction is shown in the numbers of the polls above, only a very short time after the type of media coverage the oil spill received. It's an amazing story to be sure.

1 comment:

  1. Seems to be a small problem with your percentages...

    48% + 36% + 26% = 110%??
